Just in: movieShuffle is live!

I'm happy to report that my little movie randomizer app is finally up and deployed!


That's right folks.. the wait is over.... I've finally launched the 3rd version of movieShuffle!

Click here to visit the app

This project came about because my partner and I are always struggling to decide on what to watch next.. I know right? Woe is me (seriously tho, it was a good excuse to write some code and dig into a new problem).

A little history

There's so much content out there. We've got subscriptions to Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO, Showtime, Hulu.. so much content and such little time. What's made matters worse, is that I also have a sick obsession with B grade horror movies. So I need to try and fit those in as well.

β€œIt's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish.”

―J.R.R. Tolkien,The Lord of the Rings

This reminds me. I probably should write a post on my top 10 favorite B-grade horror flicks now. I digress!

What you need to know before trying the app

I wrote the initial base code app in NodeJS. It was command-line only, and honestly, not much use outside of my very technical circle of friends. So thus came the..dun dun DUNNNN.... UI for the common man. The first visual interface was done using water.css. It's a great CSS library to bootstrap immediately. When I say fast, I mean you thought bootstrap was fast? It ain't got nothing on Water.css for getting something decent up and running. Check out the project by Felix (he's 16 - give the kid some love!) here.

Anyways, after using the Water.css version I figured it actually needs a touch up so that people that weren't born in 1983 don't scream while using it. That's when I rebuilt it using typical Bootstrap. This is when things really got fun and it was a joy to see it come alive and actually be somewhat useful.

So yea, hopefully you enjoy it! I had a lot of fun creating the project 3 different times. Seriously - it helped me solidify my comfort level using Math.random() and honestly was just nice to use Vanilla JavaScript again. Hope you enjoy and are inspired to make your own weird projects! More to come soon.

Over and out.
